
The South Florida Chamber Ensemble is hiring. 

The SFCE is a non-profit organization dedicated to using the arts to promote diversity and inclusion.  We give around 375 performances a year, including our classical concert series, children’s concert series, educational initiatives, and partnerships with other organizations to use the arts for social justice and environmental issues.  We are looking for innovative musicians who are interested in exploring music outside of the classical idiom, who want to experiment in other art forms, and who are looking to use the arts as a vehicle for social change. The instrumentation is not as important as the musician and that person’s desire to make positive change in this world through the arts.  We want to hire “artists” who will be ambassadors for our brand, who will bring new innovative ideas to our organization, people who will step outside their comfort zone and help us grow in our next 10 years.   We did not shut down during the pandemic and our musicians did not lose any work during the past year and a half.  We returned to live programming in October 2020 with a joint concert with the Innocence Project of Florida about how art helped four wrongfully imprisoned inmates survive decades in prison. We are not your garden variety chamber ensemble.

Send us your resume/bio, a recording of your work, and a brief statement about why you want to join our team.    Please check out our website www.sfcemusic.com our social media: @sfcemusic, Facebook.com/southfloridachamberensemble, and our YouTube page @sfcemusic before you apply to really understand what we do.  Feel free to contact us at sfcemusic@gmail.com with any questions
