The South Florida Chamber Ensemble (SFCE) is a non profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of South Florida residents through music. The group formed in 2011 when the Art Trio and the New York Wind Trio merged. The vision of the ensemble is to use music as a catalyst for change with respect to education, social justice, economic equality, and health and healing. We are dedicated to promoting lesser known composers, with a focus on American composers both living and deceased and we make sure that classical music is accessible to all by giving program notes from the stage that explain the intent behind the music, the life of the composer, and by explaining all musical terminology. We promote the idea of music without lyrics as a method of engaging each person in the audience individually as they connect in their own way to the emotion in the music that they hear. Our goal is to inspire, engage, educate, heal, and give a voice to our audience. Our musicians come from South America, Central America, the Caribbean and Asia so we feel it is important to bring classical music from all over the world to our audience. We have a roster of over 20 educational programs that pair multiple arts with multiple core subjects to help inspire youth to love learning. We have partnerships with organizations such as the Boys and Girls Clubs, YMCA, Broward and Miami-Dade Public Library Systems, historical societies , local cities and other organizations across South Florida in order to use music to solve social problems in our community.
It is the policy of the South Florida Chamber Ensemble to comply with all of the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. To request accommodations to participate in South Florida Chamber Ensemble programs, please contact Marie Schwartz 954-803-3762 /, at least three business days in advance to initiate your request. TTY users may also call 711 (Florida Relay Service).